Reasons to own a Bed Bug Dog

Why Use a Bed Bug Dog? See Below!
1.Less Expensive. Bed Bug Dogs generate quicker and more accurate results, which leads to lower remediation costs for homeowners and insurers. For schools, hotels, commercial and government buildings, cost savings can be quite substantial.
2. Cutting-Edge Technology. The "Nose" is cutting-edge technology and the latest trend in the home inspection industry. It's the only inspection tool that can detect and pinpoint locations of bed bugs- critical information for lowering costs.
3. Proven and Trusted. “Man’s best friend” has been used for years by military and law enforcement agencies to detect bombs and drugs, among other things. In Europe, dogs have been used to detect bed bugs for over 20 years.
4. Dogs are Honest. Dogs are trained to work for food and love...and NOT for profits.
5. Greater Peace of Mind. Research supports that if the dog finds mold, there's a high statistical probability you should investigate further. If the dog doesn't find mold, you can know with greater certainty that your home, office or school is safe from mold.
6. Hard Workers. In Germany, government authorities have found that a typical office building search of approximately 200 rooms can take one dog eight hours to complete.
7. Effective Problem Solvers. For REALTORS® concerned about escrow timelines, Bed Bug Dogs can quickly and more accurately inspect a home, which gives both parties the feedback they need to quickly and effectively resolve issues.
Contact us today via E-mail or call us (727) 798-1950
Bed Bug Dog trains, certifies and sells bed bug-detecting dogs and offers a free web-based information and referral service for insurance and real estate professionals and homeowners.
(727) 798-1950
Whitstine's dogs are sniffing for insects in at least 30 states and as far away as Canada and Finland, and this spring he'll send some to Japan..
If you would like to consider having a Bed Bug Dog, be sure to contact us and we can help
with all of your needs..
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