About us - Bed Bug Dogs

Bill Whitstine (CMT) owns and operates the Florida Canine Academy, which trains bomb, drug, money, weapons, termite, mold and accelerant detection canine teams. Five years ago, Bill identified the growing problem of mold in homes and businesses and worked with researchers to further investigate the possibility that dogs could be trained to detect molds. Recently, Bill founded Bed Bug Dog, a subsidiary of the Florida Canine Academy, to train, certify and sell bed bug detecting dogs.
Bill has been a leader in the field of canine training since 1989 when he was the first person to attend the Maine State Police Canine Academy in Accelerant Detection. Bill is the author of the only published book on accelerant detection canines and was the founding president of the Canine Accelerant Detection Association as well as the International Termite Detector Dog Association, which are both international organizations. Bill has been featured on over nine shows, including several segments on the Animal Planet and The Discovery Channel.
Contact us today via E-mail or call us (727) 798-1950
Bed Bug Dog trains, certifies and sells bed bug-detecting dogs and offers a free web-based information and referral service for insurance and real estate professionals and homeowners.
(727) 798-1950
Whitstine's dogs are sniffing for insects in at least 30 states and as far away as Canada and Finland, and this spring he'll send some to Japan..
If you would like to consider having a Bed Bug Dog, be sure to contact us and we can help
with all of your needs..
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